Bill Gash

International Sales Leader and Digital Transformation Consultant

With over a decade's experience, enabling leading media and service provider organisations create compelling brand experiences, I can help you define a strategic vision to more deeply engage your customers, build loyalty and grow your digital revenues.

Bill Gash - International Sales Leader and Digital Transformation Consultant

Sales Leader

Cloud, SaaS Platforms

A successful track record, with Cloud, SaaS software vendors, targeting Tier 1 organisations, accomplished by focusing less on technology and more on solving clients' complex business problems

Digital Transformation

and Monetisation Strategist

Digital natives, like Netflix, raised the bar in what consumers now expect from a digital brand experience. Let's look at your strategy and make sure its on track

Non-Executive Director


From 'Silicon Valley' startups, to global businesses - my extensive experience and connections can guide and inform your business

Industry Expertise

and Public Speaking

Delivering keynotes, panel sessions, presentations, demonstrations, articles and commentary. I enjoy engaging with audiences or sharing a point of view. Let me help improve your message and its delivery.

Career Experience and Highlights 

In business, having the right people on your side matters. Experience, energy, attitude, ideas and professionalism can each make a huge difference - together it's a winning combination. That's what I bring to employers, customers, partners and my clients plus a genuine belief I can create real value . Sounds good? Then check out my experience and get in touch so we can start a conversation.


I have held senior roles for over 20 years in the brand and technology companies that have re-shaped our lives - in how we stay connected, informed, entertained and do business. This comes down to creating value - successful new business deals for my employers (including multi-year, multi-million dollar value opportunities). More importantly, creating value for customers by, changing how they work, sell, succeed through adopting new ideas and solutions

Strategic Vision

From the earliest days of online advertising (Yahoo!) to helping media, sports and service providers meet the challenge posed by Netflix and Amazon Prime - I have shown organisations how they can evolve to compete and succeed

Client Success

From persuading the founder of Easyjet to change his business model and become the 'web's favourite airline', to enabling Formula 1 to put the fan at the centre of everything they do, by embracing new digital platforms for its 'direct to fan' strategy


Leadership is about making decisions and moving things forward, taking risks and bringing people along with you through understanding their motivation. Every step of the last twenty years has required leadership in both thinking and action

Working Together

My experience is in managing customers, colleagues and partners through often complex projects and processes, to achieve mutually successful outcomes - with effective planning, goal setting, supervision, clear concise communication and reporting

Let's Start a Conversation 

Every journey starts with a single step - so take the first one here and let me know what you'd like us to talk about - your project, a consulting or NED role, business challenges/problems or speaking engagements / guest posting.

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